Sunday, December 11, 2011

Made In God's Image:

I have the dubious opportunity to perouse the musings of a website called StuffBlackPeopleDon'tLike on blogger. It was pertaining to a blog entry about water cannons being used against Black people during a riot in Staten Island,NY. I also happen to run across an anonymous comments regarding Jim Crow. This anonymous commenter basically said:

"A society based on Christian values and racial inequality will accept that some blacks are unable to succeed for biological reasons and will respond by tailoring its culture, social institutions, and economy around dealing with that unpleasant fact"

 Now why would something like that come up? This is 2011, not 1963. Well, this was a website dedicated to pointing out every bad thing Black people do, so it shouldn't surprise me. Being a Black American who is living in the 2010's era, who was born in the 1980's, I don't think Jim Crow was a good thing. I can go to school anywhere I want. I can eat anywhere I want, and further more, this quote I just described is also a fallacy when you look at it.

Here is why. This quote: "A society based on Christian values and racial inequality will accept that some blacks are unable to succeed for biological reasons and will respond by tailoring its culture, social institutions, and economy around dealing with that unpleasant fact" fails to mention something. When looked upon from a Christian perspective, this is what is taught: We are all equal in God's eyes because we are all create in his image. Here is some scripture to help with that.

Galatians Chapter 3, verse 28: There is no difference between Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Genesis Chapeter 1, verse 27: "God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them".

Not equal? Well, according to God the Father, we are made in  his image, therefore, we are all equal and we are his children. Racism and bigotry are basically forms of vanity and hate, which Jesus teaches against,


  1. This is the problem Mr. Evergreen, after God made man, man fell. After the flood, he fell once again. The second fall came through Noah's son Ham.

    I saw this post from you over at SBPDL:

    I would also check these links out. It has to do with Meroe, an ancient Black African society.

    I have no doubt about the fact that the black race once did these things, being they were the offspring of fallen angels and the sons of Ham, specifically the sons of Cush, which means black, which resulted in them having extra ordinary strength, size and knowledge. Unfortunately, the ultimate result of that union, after such length of time, was the current black race that has an average intellegence classified as moron. Of course there are exceptions, and I think you are one of them. Ultimately, Canaan's sons and daughters also fell, and the resulting nephilim was documented in the Bible.

    I note that there are no comments to any of your posts and I think that is a reflection of the audience you are trying to reach. On the whole, your race is not interested in God. They have the genes of their father Ham. Again, there are exceptions but that is rare. In this respect I hope you are an exception, and a true believer, because the alternative is too frightening to contemplate if you have truely studied the Bible. I am not saying blacks can't be saved, of course they can. I am just saying that it is rare because most simply have no interest and cannot be made to have an interest other than going to church and having a good time exciting their senses. True belief is far different than that. And true Biblical study requires "a lot of time."

    Here are some notes on the second fall of man:

    I don't disagree with your efforts, and hope you reach some but I don't think it will be many.

    God bless.

  2. I disagree with alot of what you have to say.

    1) There are alot of Black people interested in God and in salvation. In fact, the church as an institution has probably been very important for Black people. Look what happens when the church is absent.

    2)I would recommend you read a book by Rev. William Dwight McKissic called Beyond Roots:In Search of Blacks In The Bible. Also, you should read Beyond Roots II: If Anybody Asks You Who I am?

    3)Read Acts 10:34. God shows no partiality to anyone. If Blacks are really as dumb as you say they are, then you would not be able to believe what Acts 10:34 is telling you.
