According to both Steve Sailer and Akinore, Blacks are somehow only scared of "hell raisin' whites". This post is a rebuttal to such a post.
These are the links to said posts:
This is a direct quote from Steve Sailer:
And here is a quote from Akinokure:
" But blacks look at the law enforcement system as just a bunch of overpaid punks -- whatchu pigs gon' do, huh? I'll sue for police brutality! That's when you need more rambunctious whites to curb bad black behavior at the grassroots level. Sometimes it takes barbarians to deter a savage."
If you read these posts closely enough, it is easy to tell that both persons have an agenda, an agenda that basically says "Blacks are savages that need to be controlled via violence".
And read this link by Steve Sailer:
According to both persons, Blacks were only well-behaved in the South because of large numbers of Whites who have Celtic ancestry. Akinore attributes this to "Honor Culture" and the "let's settle this ourselves" mentality.
I am not going to put the maps up. The maps are in the links.. However, I will include my own maps in all of this.
One thing to consider. Maps do not tell everything. The maps provided were to make a point.. However, these maps did not tell the whole story. Steve Sailer speaks of imprisonment levels among Blacks by state. Akinore is comparing the Black imprisonment rate to the number of persons who are of Celtic ancestry living in a certain place.
Another factor to consider is that the maps detailing the Black imprisonment by state are quite old. This is noted in the entry, that the maps came from 1997. However, it still does not help in 2013.
There are other factors to consider. Among them are education level, spatial distribution, average age, rural vs urban.
For Steve Sailer's assessment of Massachusetts vs Wisconsin and "not many Blacks being there, well, this is a assessment I see.
When it comes to the city of Boston, the city is 47% White, ad 15% of the population is of Irish ancestry. There are over 518,000 Blacks living in the state of Massachusetts as of 2012. Over 155,000 Blacks live in Boston. Compare this with Wisconsin. There are 372,000 Blacks in Wisconsin. Over 239,000 live in the city of Milwaukee. 257,000+ Black residents live in Milwaukee County at large. What does this say? Milwaukee County's Black residents live largely in the city of Milwaukee, and not that many live in the suburbs. In fact, Milwaukee metro is the nation's most segregated metropolitan area.
. Another link:
Massachusetts has more Blacks in Boston than any other part of Massachusetts. However, sizable Black populations also live in places like Lynn, Springfield, Lowell, Brockton, etc
This brings us to another subject: The geography of prisons. Most prisoners come from the cities. This rings especially true for Black prisoners. Chances are, the majority of Black prisoners in Wisconsin often come from Milwaukee, where most of Wisconsin's Black population is concentrated.
Massachusetts, on the other hand, has more Blacks living in other areas besides the state's largest city. Chances are, much of the Black prison population in Massachusetts is coming from Boston, Springfield, and possibly Lynn.
And let's take this case even further. Mississippi has one of the lowest Black imprisonment rates in the nation. Mississippi is one of the least urbanized states in the nation. In fact, if you look at the Deep South, this is where the largest number of rural Blacks live. Like I said before, prisons tend to draw from cities.
And something else to consider. Massachusetts is locking up more people than ever before. Massachusetts started getting strict on crime in the late 1980s after Michael Dukakis(who was running for President at the time) was lambasted in a political campaign which involved using Willie Horton's picture. Boston's murder rate dropped from 152 murders in 1991, to 31 murders 1999. It took an effort on mayor Thomas Menino to have more crime fighting strategies to get the murder rate down.
And while Massachusetts doesn't have the nation's highest Black imprisonment rate, it has one of the nation's highest Hispanic imprisonment rates,
Maybe one should really ask what is going on there.
Something else. Maryland has the nation's 2nd lowest Black imprisonment rate(among U.S. states. DC isn't counted because it isn't a state). It is home to one of the most violent cities in the nation, Baltimore. In terms of ancestry, Maryland is mainly Irish, German, and African-American, as well as persons of British ancestry. Maryland is quite soft on crime compared to its neighbor to the South, Virginia. Black criminals from DC have preferred to go to Maryland than Virginia because the laws in Virginia are stricter. If the law doesn't scare many Black people, then why do Black criminals in DC commit so many crimes in Maryland and not in Virginia?
Another case. Texas and Louisiana. Both states have the death penalty and will use it. However, Texas has more Blacks locked up than Louisiana. Why? It is the way the justice system works. In Louisiana, criminals have often gotten away with murder because of the "60 day law". The way it works is if you get charged with murder, an indictment has to be filed within 60 days, or the charges get dropped. The deadline would sometimes pass without an indictment, and for that reason, criminals would be back on the streets committing more crimes. Texas had one of the highest murder rates in the nation during the 1980s. Houston even gained a title as the nation's murder capital one. However, the murder rate dropped dramatically in the late 1990s into the 2000s. Louisiana still has a high murder rate. Gangs from New Orleans went to Texas after Hurricane Katrina and found the legal system in Texas was quite different. If you got busted for murder, you were just busted. No way to get out of it. Many criminals just went back to Louisiana after finding out how strict things were. Perhaps the drop in murder for Texas had everything to do with criminals actually getting caught and charged, and actually convicted for their crimes.
Kentucky has a high number of persons with USA, Scottish, and Scotch-Irish ancestry. There are also fewer Blacks live in Kentucky than in Massachusetts. However, Kentucky has one of the highest Black imprisonment rates in the nation, 2793 Black prisoners per 100,000 Blacks.
And the case of German ancestry, well, consider this. Minnesota currently has one of the lowest Black imprisonment rates in the nation. It has also seen one of the largest growths in its Black population within the last 2 decades, as far as Midwestern states go.Minnesota has come a long way since the days of "Murderapolis", of the mid 1990s. Minnesota's murder rate is one of the lowest in the nation. Minnesota's Black murder rate is below the national average murder rate for Blacks, 11.68 murders per 100,000. The national murder rate for Blacks is 16.32 murders per 100,000.
The southern region of the USA, well consider this. There has been a large migration of Blacks from states such as New York, California, Illinois, Michigan, and other places into states such as Texas, Georgia, Virginia' and North Carolina. Perhaps with these migrants coming from other states have higher levels of education, and higher incomes, and are moving to these states because of opportunities. With that brings a different mentality. A much lesser likelihood of crime. Texas stands out because it has one of the highest Black imprisonment rates in the nation. Although large numbers of Blacks have moved to the state, and are often educated and middle class, there is one other thing to consider. Texas doesn't have as high of a rural Black population as Mississippi, Georgia, and South Carolina. Texas also has 3 of the nations 10 largest cities(in terms of population inside the city). Perhaps most Black prisoners in Texas are from Dallas, and Houston, as well as from Ft. Worth and San Antonio.
There is also something else to consider. Blacks do make up the largest number of those in prison. And the vast majority of the Black prison population is American. Boston has a sizable number of Blacks from the West Indies. Black West Indian immigrants often have highest levels of educational attainment(more college graduates) than Black Americans, and this case is even more so for Black Africans who come to the USA. There are lower imprisonment rates than among Black Americans. Lower rates of broken families as well.
Perhaps it isn't "Hell raisin' Whites" that "scares" Blacks. Perhaps its stable families and education that are very helpful.
These are the links to said posts:
This is a direct quote from Steve Sailer:
"By the way, when speaking about Massachusetts, it's important to keep in mind that a major reason it doesn't have many blacks and that its blacks aren't as big of a problem as elsewhere is because it has an abundance of violent, tribalist, anti-black Irish to keep the blacks down. Boston is the only place I've seen in the U.S. where blacks appeared to be afraid of white civilians walking down the street. Having a lot of scary Irish around makes theorizing at Harvard a lot more pleasant.
In contrast, poor Milwaukee, a nice German social-democratic town (as Alice Cooper points out in Wayne's World, Socialist candidates were elected mayor of Milwaukee three times in the 1920s), had high welfare and a direct rail line from the Mississippi Delta, and it just got the worst of Southern blacks. "
And here is a quote from Akinokure:
" But blacks look at the law enforcement system as just a bunch of overpaid punks -- whatchu pigs gon' do, huh? I'll sue for police brutality! That's when you need more rambunctious whites to curb bad black behavior at the grassroots level. Sometimes it takes barbarians to deter a savage."
If you read these posts closely enough, it is easy to tell that both persons have an agenda, an agenda that basically says "Blacks are savages that need to be controlled via violence".
And read this link by Steve Sailer:
According to both persons, Blacks were only well-behaved in the South because of large numbers of Whites who have Celtic ancestry. Akinore attributes this to "Honor Culture" and the "let's settle this ourselves" mentality.
I am not going to put the maps up. The maps are in the links.. However, I will include my own maps in all of this.
One thing to consider. Maps do not tell everything. The maps provided were to make a point.. However, these maps did not tell the whole story. Steve Sailer speaks of imprisonment levels among Blacks by state. Akinore is comparing the Black imprisonment rate to the number of persons who are of Celtic ancestry living in a certain place.
Another factor to consider is that the maps detailing the Black imprisonment by state are quite old. This is noted in the entry, that the maps came from 1997. However, it still does not help in 2013.
There are other factors to consider. Among them are education level, spatial distribution, average age, rural vs urban.
For Steve Sailer's assessment of Massachusetts vs Wisconsin and "not many Blacks being there, well, this is a assessment I see.
When it comes to the city of Boston, the city is 47% White, ad 15% of the population is of Irish ancestry. There are over 518,000 Blacks living in the state of Massachusetts as of 2012. Over 155,000 Blacks live in Boston. Compare this with Wisconsin. There are 372,000 Blacks in Wisconsin. Over 239,000 live in the city of Milwaukee. 257,000+ Black residents live in Milwaukee County at large. What does this say? Milwaukee County's Black residents live largely in the city of Milwaukee, and not that many live in the suburbs. In fact, Milwaukee metro is the nation's most segregated metropolitan area.
. Another link:
Massachusetts has more Blacks in Boston than any other part of Massachusetts. However, sizable Black populations also live in places like Lynn, Springfield, Lowell, Brockton, etc
This brings us to another subject: The geography of prisons. Most prisoners come from the cities. This rings especially true for Black prisoners. Chances are, the majority of Black prisoners in Wisconsin often come from Milwaukee, where most of Wisconsin's Black population is concentrated.
Massachusetts, on the other hand, has more Blacks living in other areas besides the state's largest city. Chances are, much of the Black prison population in Massachusetts is coming from Boston, Springfield, and possibly Lynn.
And let's take this case even further. Mississippi has one of the lowest Black imprisonment rates in the nation. Mississippi is one of the least urbanized states in the nation. In fact, if you look at the Deep South, this is where the largest number of rural Blacks live. Like I said before, prisons tend to draw from cities.
And something else to consider. Massachusetts is locking up more people than ever before. Massachusetts started getting strict on crime in the late 1980s after Michael Dukakis(who was running for President at the time) was lambasted in a political campaign which involved using Willie Horton's picture. Boston's murder rate dropped from 152 murders in 1991, to 31 murders 1999. It took an effort on mayor Thomas Menino to have more crime fighting strategies to get the murder rate down.
And while Massachusetts doesn't have the nation's highest Black imprisonment rate, it has one of the nation's highest Hispanic imprisonment rates,
Maybe one should really ask what is going on there.
Something else. Maryland has the nation's 2nd lowest Black imprisonment rate(among U.S. states. DC isn't counted because it isn't a state). It is home to one of the most violent cities in the nation, Baltimore. In terms of ancestry, Maryland is mainly Irish, German, and African-American, as well as persons of British ancestry. Maryland is quite soft on crime compared to its neighbor to the South, Virginia. Black criminals from DC have preferred to go to Maryland than Virginia because the laws in Virginia are stricter. If the law doesn't scare many Black people, then why do Black criminals in DC commit so many crimes in Maryland and not in Virginia?
Another case. Texas and Louisiana. Both states have the death penalty and will use it. However, Texas has more Blacks locked up than Louisiana. Why? It is the way the justice system works. In Louisiana, criminals have often gotten away with murder because of the "60 day law". The way it works is if you get charged with murder, an indictment has to be filed within 60 days, or the charges get dropped. The deadline would sometimes pass without an indictment, and for that reason, criminals would be back on the streets committing more crimes. Texas had one of the highest murder rates in the nation during the 1980s. Houston even gained a title as the nation's murder capital one. However, the murder rate dropped dramatically in the late 1990s into the 2000s. Louisiana still has a high murder rate. Gangs from New Orleans went to Texas after Hurricane Katrina and found the legal system in Texas was quite different. If you got busted for murder, you were just busted. No way to get out of it. Many criminals just went back to Louisiana after finding out how strict things were. Perhaps the drop in murder for Texas had everything to do with criminals actually getting caught and charged, and actually convicted for their crimes.
Kentucky has a high number of persons with USA, Scottish, and Scotch-Irish ancestry. There are also fewer Blacks live in Kentucky than in Massachusetts. However, Kentucky has one of the highest Black imprisonment rates in the nation, 2793 Black prisoners per 100,000 Blacks.
And the case of German ancestry, well, consider this. Minnesota currently has one of the lowest Black imprisonment rates in the nation. It has also seen one of the largest growths in its Black population within the last 2 decades, as far as Midwestern states go.Minnesota has come a long way since the days of "Murderapolis", of the mid 1990s. Minnesota's murder rate is one of the lowest in the nation. Minnesota's Black murder rate is below the national average murder rate for Blacks, 11.68 murders per 100,000. The national murder rate for Blacks is 16.32 murders per 100,000.
The southern region of the USA, well consider this. There has been a large migration of Blacks from states such as New York, California, Illinois, Michigan, and other places into states such as Texas, Georgia, Virginia' and North Carolina. Perhaps with these migrants coming from other states have higher levels of education, and higher incomes, and are moving to these states because of opportunities. With that brings a different mentality. A much lesser likelihood of crime. Texas stands out because it has one of the highest Black imprisonment rates in the nation. Although large numbers of Blacks have moved to the state, and are often educated and middle class, there is one other thing to consider. Texas doesn't have as high of a rural Black population as Mississippi, Georgia, and South Carolina. Texas also has 3 of the nations 10 largest cities(in terms of population inside the city). Perhaps most Black prisoners in Texas are from Dallas, and Houston, as well as from Ft. Worth and San Antonio.
There is also something else to consider. Blacks do make up the largest number of those in prison. And the vast majority of the Black prison population is American. Boston has a sizable number of Blacks from the West Indies. Black West Indian immigrants often have highest levels of educational attainment(more college graduates) than Black Americans, and this case is even more so for Black Africans who come to the USA. There are lower imprisonment rates than among Black Americans. Lower rates of broken families as well.
Perhaps it isn't "Hell raisin' Whites" that "scares" Blacks. Perhaps its stable families and education that are very helpful.
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