Thursday, June 20, 2013

Details of the Black murder rate, by state

I happen to find a list of the Black murder rates by state. Actually, I sought this out. My mission was to look at the situation regarding violence in the Black population in a more detailed way, to break it down more.

I found this article

According to the article by Black Voices News, Missouri has the highest Black murder victim rate in the nation, at 33.86 murders per 100,000. Basically , this is on part with Guatemala, and slightly higher than South Africa's murder rate.

These are the Black murder victim rates by state for 2010(per 100,000 Black residents)
Missouri –  33.86 
Pennsylvania – 26.87
Michigan – 25.61
Nebraska – 25.58
Oklahoma –25.45
Indiana – 23.89
Maine – 22.62
Louisiana – 22.61
Ohio –19.25
California – 19.12
Kansas – 18.84
Wisconsin -18.75
Maryland – 18.65
New Jersey – 17.71
Nevada – 17.30
Illinois – 17.09
West Virginia – 16.76
Tennessee – 16.65
Delaware – 15.74
Massachusetts – 15.45
New York – 15.39
Arkansas -14.82
Texas – 14.19
Connecticut – 13.37
Arizona – 12.70
Georgia – 12.29
Kentucky – 12.08
South Carolina – 11.99
Minnesota – 11.68
Virginia – 11.32
New Mexico – 11.20
Mississippi – 10.71
Colorado – 10.33
Hawaii – 10.04
North Carolina – 10.0
 Alabama – 8.07
Oregon – 7.68
Rhode Island – 6.64
Washington – 5.34
Iowa – 4.33
Utah – 4.18
Alaska – 2.96

North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Vermont, and New Hampshire all recorded zero Black murders.

As one looks at this list, there is one pattern to note. Among the top 10 states with the highest Black murder rates, there are some violent cities. The top 3, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and Michigan all have violent cities. St. Louis and Detroit in particular are quite violent. Detroit had a murder rate of 34.5 murders per 100,000. A total of 310 murders. St. Louis had a murder rate of 40.5 murders per 100,000. A total of 144 murders. Kansas City, on the western side of I-70, 21.1 murders per 100,000. This would be a total of 102 murders. Between KC and St. Louis, there are about 246 murders in 2010. According to the article, 244 Blacks were murdered. In a state with a Black population around 700,000 residents, that is not good. With the state of Michigan, the biggest number of murders come out of Detroit. For Pennsylvania, the biggest number of murders comes out of Philadelphia. Another state on this list to mention is Louisiana. Louisiana, some people might think that this state would be #1, and it would make sense. Louisiana is home to the nation's murder capital, New Orleans. New Orleans had a murder rate of 49.1 murders per 100,000. The total number of murders for New Orleans was 175, making the city more deadly than St. Louis, on both numbers. Louisiana also has Baton Rouge, which had a murder rate of 33.6 murders per 100,000. There were 75 murders in Baton Rouge in 2010. 338 African-Americans were murdered in Louisiana in 2010. However, Louisiana has over 1 million Black residents, so the numbers added up differently.

Some states some people would not expect to show up on this list(among the top 10) are Maine, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. Maine has a Black population around 1%, Nebraska has a Black population around 4.5%, and Oklahoma has a Black population very close to 8%. Maine has a Black population numbering around 15,000. According to the VPC, there were no Black murders in 2009, and in 2010, there were 5. Considering the very small Black population in Maine, it doesn't take that many murders to inflate its murder rate. I will discuss Oklahoma and Nebraska, and a few other states in the next paragraph.

Oklahoma and Nebraska, well, let's start with Nebraska first. Nebraska has around 82,000 Blacks in the state. Close to 7 out of 10 Blacks in Nebraska live in Omaha. Omaha, oddly enough, has a Black population around 13%, close to the nation's average. However, the Black murder rate for Nebraska, and for Omaha, is above the national average for Blacks.

the Black/White murder gap is higher in Nebraska than in most of the nation and has been this way for a while. One pattern I have noticed is the spatial distribution of Black murders. The highest concentration can be found in cities. Why does this matter? In Nebraska, most of the Black population lives in Omaha. Omaha's Black population is among the poorest in the nation. 6 out of 10 black children live below the poverty line. Gang violence is rampant in poor areas of Omaha, particularly the North side of Omaha, which alot of Omaha's Black population lives. In Oklahoma, most of the population lives in Tulsa and Oklahoma City. This is murders per 100,000. With poverty, overcrowding, gangs, and drugs, alot can happen.

Mississippi has the nation's highest percentage of blacks, 37.3%. It has a relatively low Black murder rate, 10.71 murders per 100,000. North Carolina has a Black murder rate of 10 murders per 100,000, and Alabama has a Black murder rate of 8.07 murders per 100,000. All of these states have large Black populations. All have relatively low Black murder rates. One thing to consider is this. WHERE most of the murders occur. Jackson,MS had a murder rate of 23.5 murders per 100,000. However, Jackson has about 173,000 residents in a state with 2,970,072 residents. About 1,093,275 Black residents live in Mississippi. Considering that Mississippi has a very large rural Black population spread out through the state, there aren't as many murders. I could say the same for Alabama. North Carolina, I would argue that the reverse Great Migration to some southern areas, especially to North Carolina, has brought in educated African-Americans, and middle class African-Americans. For this reason, it could be surmised that the relatively low Black murder rate could be attributed to economics and education. 

And another thing that would be interesting to see is the number of Black American children living in single-parent homes by state. I feel that also having stable, two parent homes would be a major factor in not getting involved with crime. 

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